Testing center

Our testing center has high standards and requirements for product quality. Therefore, we guarantee you constant improvement of our products.

service qualitaetssicherung testzentrum neu2 MG 1036

Only the most stringent tests guarantee the highest quality

This is where the Lapp Group puts product performance to the ultimate test. For example, our highly flexible cables undergo millions of bending cycles at varying speeds and the smallest possible radii. Only products that survive the "torture chamber" are good enough to be offered to our customers.

Optimal tests for optimal products

In our testing center, using high-tech equipment, we consistently determine all product properties. The testing procedure includes testing the following areas:

Cable quality testing

  • Test for elongation and tensile strength
  • Resistance test
  • Electrical test
  • Torsion test
  • Flexibility test during twisting
  • Drag chain test
  • Test for cable passage through roller system
  • Fire resistance test

Quality testing for cable management system

  • Water protection test (IP X3 to X8)
  • Dust protection test (IP 5X, IP 6X)
  • Oil atomization test according to UL 514 B
  • Voltage reduction test

Material testing

  • Infrared spectroscopy to determine the material composition
  • Thermogravimetry to determine the proportions of materials
  • Thermal analysis to determine the properties of these materials
  • Climatic installations for aging testing and storage

Our testing center is also open to our clients

We offer our customers, in addition to receiving a guarantee of the quality of our products, to also receive additional benefits from our testing center. At your request, we can test your products and materials in our testing center. For example, you need to test a certain cable. You bring us a piece of this cable in order to find out what its components are. First, we will use infrared spectroscopy and find out what materials the cable is made of. Then, we will conduct a thermal analysis, which will allow us to judge the properties of these materials. We will also be able to draw conclusions about the production time and suitability for use of this product.

Optimal provision of impeccable service is part of the Lapp philosophy.