Logistics in LAPP

At its logistics centers in Ludwigsburg, Stuttgart and Hannover, Lapp has its own modern and sophisticated logistics system.

Logistics center in Ludwigsburg

The center warehouse area is 30,000 m², its height is 10.5 m. There are 30 ramps for loading trucks. The total area of the center is 54,000 m², which provides enough space for maneuvering vehicles. The logistics and service center can accommodate 110,000 cable reels.

Cable reels, which arrive from factories by road, are delivered to four distribution stations. There, so-called manipulators lift drums weighing up to 400 kg from pallets and place them on a 700-meter conveyor belt with a special plastic pallet system patented by the Lapp Group. Thus, each drum is delivered to its storage location on a rack. Each manipulator can process at least 60 drums per hour. Since the manipulators lift the drum by the axle and not by the outer edges, it is impossible to damage the cable, which sometimes happened when using a forklift.

After the drum gets onto the conveyor, its further movement through the center is fully automated: first of all, the barcode is read from the drum and written to the RFID chip, then it is assigned a storage location in the warehouse. Loading and searching machines, which easily reach the highest areas of the center, operate in 18 aisles. You can call such a machine an elevator that moves on special rails, delivering the drum to the desired level. Using beam and RFID scanning, the drums are placed on the racks in the correct order.

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csm 130524 Lapp Logistikzentrum LB 157 entsaettigt3 90ba715900
csm lapp lc6 dia2 72cd04f929
csm lapp lc6 dia3 e920487def
csm Lapp LC6 HighRes-58 eddb31f195

Logistics center in Hannover

The logistics center in Hannover has powerful and high-performance equipment for large drums. It also has special machines for cable rewinding with restrictions on its stretching, which is important for such product groups as fiber optic cables.

Logistics Center in Stuttgart-Vaihingen

The logistics center at our head office in Stuttgart-Vaihingen is used primarily for storing our ready-made solutions and cables. The modern vertical carousel system ensures fast and reliable product searches.