LAPP GROUP from the inside through the eyes of a delegation from Kazakhstan


LAPP GROUP from the inside through the eyes of a delegation from Kazakhstan

The purpose of the Academy is to train managers and managers to conduct international business. Thanks to the competition held by the Academy, together with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 25 people were selected among 250 applicants to form the composition of the delegation, which went to Germany for several weeks to study, visit German enterprises, exhibitions, etc. This was a great opportunity to see from the inside how business works in Germany, gain invaluable experience and get to know potential investors who are interested in building a business in Kazakhstan. As part of the cooperation between the Export Academy and Lapp Group, Andreas Lapp invited the delegation members to visit the main office of the company in Stuttgart. Valery Mardal, General Director of Lapp Kazakhstan LLP, and Zhanat Aliyev, Commercial Director of Lapp Kazakhstan LLP, arrived in Stuttgart to support the organization of this event.

 Валерий Мардаль, директор ТОО «Лапп Казахстан»

Валерий Мардаль, директор ТОО «Лапп Казахстан»

"Since the group turned out to be very diverse and there were no Lapp clients among the participants, our task was to introduce the delegation to the international company Lapp Group and find common interests for cooperation in the future," Valery Mardal said.

Despite the fact that the dates of the delegation's visit coincided with the dates of the exhibition in Hanover and most of the Lapp leadership was absent from the office, the group managed to meet with Boris Katic, the group's chief technical officer in the LA EMEA region, Boris Katic, who is responsible for technology and production. "There are German companies whose names are known to everyone all over the world. But there are companies that I call "hidden champions." These are medium-sized private companies with an extensive network of international representative offices, leaders in their segment, and they form the core of the German economy. Lapp is just such a company," Mr. Katic began his opening speech with these words. After his speech, the delegation participants were shown an image film about Lapp Group and Valery Mardal made a presentation.

Next, the group visited the factory, where the guests were shown exactly how the cable is made, what processes the production consists of, as well as how quality control takes place. The next logical step was a visit to a small test laboratory at the factory. There, the guests were able to see how cables are tested in towed cable chains and product testing in a multi-axis robot system was demonstrated.

After the tour of the production, the delegation members had a unique opportunity to visit the new ultramodern building of the European headquarters of the Lapp group even before its official opening. In the lobby, all visitors were greeted by a huge bouquet of roses, their number symbolizes the number of years of the Group's work. There are 57 of them there now. 57 years ago, the Lapp family started their business in a garage in the Rosenthal area, which means "alley of roses". Thus, the rose was chosen as the symbol of the Lapp Group. The lobby itself is presented- It is a large room where interactive devices are placed, a large screen on which videos are shown. Most of the area is reserved for the Lapp Experience Museum. In this museum, with the help of interactive expositions and stands, you can get acquainted with the Lapp company, starting from the main events in the history of development, ending with modern innovations. There was also a place for the legendary Lapp cable drum, which "traveled" the entire globe on the 50th anniversary of the company and on which the signatures of the participants of the events are imprinted in the places where this drum made its stop.

Жанат Алиев, коммерческий директор ТОО «Лапп Казахстан»

Жанат Алиев, коммерческий директор ТОО «Лапп Казахстан»

Such an event proved to be very useful for all parties. The participants got a first-hand understanding of how one of the most successful German companies works, and for Lapp Group and Lapp Kazakhstan in particular, this will be a good information occasion and will have a positive impact on the company's image in the Republic of Kazakhstan. "We hope that our guests enjoyed
the excursions and they will have something to share with friends and colleagues upon returning home. We will be glad to see them among the representatives of our clients in Kazakhstan," Zhanat Aliyev summed up.